Local community group, Crewe Clean Team, have won a national recycling award for their ongoing efforts, which have seen over 200,000 drink cans recycled in the last decade!

This week, a group of committed volunteers were presented with a Green Can Award in recognition of their achievements.
Crewe Clean Team has 200 members who take part in community litter picks throughout Crewe and the surrounding area, as well as collecting and recycling aluminium.
Aluminium recycling is a key focus for the group and volunteers have collected 200,000 aluminium cans for recycling since the initiative was established in 2012. As well as litter picking, the group collects aluminium packaging from local businesses, including hair foil from a salon, foil trays from a takeaway and empty drink cans from a local pub.
All aluminium is then taken and sold to local scrap metal business, Houston & Sons Limited.
The money raised is then reinvested into the scheme, including buying additional litter picking equipment and raising awareness of the group within the area to recruit volunteers.
Those interested in getting involved can get in touch via email enquiries@crewecleanteam.co.uk or else drop a message through their Facebook page @CreweCleanTeam. The team also work on other environmental initiatives, such as bulb-planting.
David McDonald, chair of Crewe Clean Team, said: “I couldn’t have predicted the scale of the scheme now when we set out 10 years ago, but it really has taken off. Over two hundred volunteers make up Crewe Clean Team, so it really is a joint effort and we’re all thrilled with the award.
“All of our members understand the importance of recycling and have communicated this message throughout the community. It’s been great to see how this has manifested in better habits within the town and a steady influx of new volunteers.
“We now pick up aluminium from a number of businesses, including pubs, hairdressers and takeaways, and take it to be recycled as soon as possible. I’d like to say thank you to them for making a special effort. I’d also like to thank all of the members who contribute, whether by collecting the cans or by taking them to Houston and Sons. In fact, a lot of the aluminium collected is transported by wheelbarrow, which helps us to be even more environmentally friendly!
“Everyone is so proud of what we’ve accomplished to date, but there is always more work to be done and we’re keen to welcome new faces.”
Chris Latham-Warde, Programme Manager for Every Can Counts said: “We were so impressed with Crewe Clean Team’s efforts when it comes to recycling. Their volunteers have helped ensure that hundreds of thousands of drink cans have been recycled over the years – conserving valuable aluminium as these cans can be infinitely recycled and back on shop shelves, filled, in just 60 days.”
“Crewe Clean team is a stellar example of a community-led project that has made a real difference, and we hope they inspire others to make a contribution, no matter how small, to helping protect the environment.”

Are you part of a recycling initiative which deserves to be recognised for going the extra mile when it comes to drink can recycling? Click here to find out more about our Green Can Awards.